Here is a list of all academic peer-reviewed articles, reports and other papers published in December 2021 about journalism research. The bolded titles have JRN articles...
The study “When Algorithms Recommend What’s New(s): New Dynamics of Decision-Making and Autonomy in Newsgathering” by Hannes Cools, Baldwin van Gorp and Michaël Opgenhaffen from KU...
The study “ The Discursive Constitution of Mafia Journalism as a Network Beat” by Sergio Splendore from University of Milan investigates the work of mafia journalists....
The study “A data-driven approach to studying changing vocabularies in historical newspaper collections” by Simon Hengchen from University of Gothenburg, Ruben Ros from University of Luxembourg,...
The article “Business as Usual: How Journalism’s Professional Logics Continue to Shape News Organization Policies Around Social Media Audiences” by Kelly Fincham from National University of...
The study “Examining Diaspora Journalists’ Digital Networks and Role Perceptions: A Case Study of Syrian Post-Conflict Advocacy Journalism” by Rana Arafat from City University of London...
Here is a list of all academic peer-reviewed articles, reports and other papers published in November 2021 about journalism research. The bolded titles have JRN articles...
Study “On the discourse of mocking in U.S. televised political discussions” by Christopher Jenks investigated the various aspects of mocking in televised political shows, or...
Recent special issue, Volume 9, Issue 9 (2021) in Digital Journalism “Covering Covid-19: The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Critical Moment for Digital Journalism” has been recently...
invited journalists from all corners of the industry to share their advice on how to work towards your selected career and choose the routes into journalism...